Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Making Memories - Photographing your children (follow-up)

We had a great group last night - about 30 people, and all levels of skill - which challenged me in my presentation, as I was originally advised, and prepared for, beginners!  Still, it kept me on my toes and thinking on my feet and I was encouraged by the number of questions from the floor - I love audience participation.  I really enjoyed the evening and, according to feedback from the participants, they did too.  Here's another photo I used in my slideshow at the end of the evening... 

© Copyright: Worldwide copyright applies to all images on this blog.  The copyright belongs to the photographer, Sue McLeod at Sue McLeod Photography (www.suemcleod.com.au).  All rights are reserved.  Persons wish to use any images on this blog should, in the first instance, make application to the photographer at sue@suemcleod.com.au

Monday, 1 August 2011

Making Memories - Photographing your children

I'm currently preparing a workshop presentation for the City of Vincent.  It'll cover all the essentials you need to know to become a better Mamarazzi - whether you're a parent or grandparent, or simply interested in taking better portraits.

For details, see the City of Vincent website:

© Copyright: Worldwide copyright applies to all images on this blog.  The copyright belongs to the photographer, Sue McLeod at Sue McLeod Photography (www.suemcleod.com.au).  All rights are reserved.  Persons wish to use any images on this blog should, in the first instance, make application to the photographer at sue@suemcleod.com.au

So, you want to be a professional photographer?

Workshop Camera Club invited me to talk about my photography business.  "What, you want me to tell you in an hour, what I spend 8-18 hours a day doing...!!??"  Actually, I enjoyed it and a number of people related to my approach to photography, life, travel and children - and perhaps some even related to my approach to business as well... ummmm... on second thoughts... probably not that!  The talk went well and was followed by a couple of short slideshows.  Choc mud cake was a big bonus during the socialising afterwards!

The story behind the image

The Soroptimist Group in Bently invited me to do a "show and tell", where I showed a number of images and told the story behind them.  Driving rain didn't seem to put many people off!  The evening provided some lively discussion and was generally enjoyed by one and all.  Yummy dinner to go with it... Thanks Chris.